Spark Seasons

Ignore Intuition

Reminder: you have a powerful radar for bullshit - it's called Intuition. It's your built-in 6th sense. Ignore it at your own peril.


When Resistance raises it's ugly head, Create. When you go to boot and computers crash, Create. When contractors fail you and lose your work, Create. When clients delay and employees leave on time, Create. When you increase your holdings but worms eat it away, Create....

Episode 221 – How to Build Craft

Episode 221 - How to Build Craft Nobody trusts that the local drunk is a person of craft. He might be, but the only thing people see when he stumbles out of the bar is that he is a drunk. He may even tell you in a sober moment about his great craft, but he is quickly...

Episode 220 – No Side Hustle Without a Main Mission

Episode 220 - No Side Hustle Without a Main Mission What is Side Hustle? All the gurus tell you to side-hustle. Wear it like a badge of honor! Gary V tells you to side-hustle. Others tell you to #hustleharder. Even my dad's voice resonates...

Superpower: Think About Thinking

I want you to think about thinking for a second. (Bear with me. We're going somewhere with this.) Thinking About Thinking First, stop where you are, take a seat, and rest for a moment. Think about your favorite trip. Close your eyes even and imagine it. Think of the...

Poem: What Did You Create Today?

What did you create today? What did you build? Did you shift and shape something that moved you? Or just incur another bill? Did you add to the list of your creations? Or put more cash in the till? Hit me up when you've built something worth while. I'll be shaping my...