Enjoyable Work

Be a Doer

Be a Doer

Writers are people who write. Hikers are people who hike.

You are not a writer because you have a typewriter or an idea for a book. You are a writer if you write.

You are not a hiker because you have the gear or have plans for that great thing one day. You are a hiker if you hike.

You Are Made for More

Remember this today: you are made for far more than you have done to date. You know this, too. It is the source of your craving for "more". Though the "More" craving can cause some angst, it pales in comparison to the self-doubt that arrives when you don't act on your...

Where Are The Unique Voices

A woman bleeds out on an unnamed roadway. Where is the person trained in CPR or emergency response to help her, while desperately waiting for the paramedics to arrive which, in this case, would arrive too late? A teen, torn between cultures, his dark curls tumbling...

Spark Interview: Teresa O’brien – Helping Women with Help(her)

Spark Interview: Teresa O’brien – Helping Women with Help(her)

https://youtu.be/zzLDX5LTPGU Spark Interview: Teresa O'brien - Helping Women with Help(her) www.MyHelpHer.com The Origin of Help(her) How Help(her) Has Been Affected by Corona Adaptability - 0:28 Intro to Teresa O'brien - 0:36 Founding of Help(her) - 1:03 Pausing...

State of the Spark ep.002: Marketing in Crisis & Case Study

State of the Spark ep.002: Marketing in Crisis & Case Study

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwNSwUtjGlY State of the Spark ep.002: Marketing in Crisis & Case Study MARKETING IN CRISIS PRINCIPLES Cut Strategically, No Smash (like Hulk) Invest now for the Second Wave/Order effects and Beyond Read the room MY MARKETING...