Ignite Success

Be a Doer

Be a Doer

Writers are people who write. Hikers are people who hike.

You are not a writer because you have a typewriter or an idea for a book. You are a writer if you write.

You are not a hiker because you have the gear or have plans for that great thing one day. You are a hiker if you hike.

You Know What To Do

I have been quite distracted of late. I keep pushing off the discipline I need with excuse thoughts. "When I am working from the desk or home office again, I will write." "When Marissa and I are good, then I will fast or eat right." "When I am in a better state of...

If your goal…

If your goal is to watch TV when you get home at night, you'll achieve that. If your goal is to create a wonderful Life full of riches, relationships, and no adventures, you'll achieve that as well!

Spark Interview: Teresa O’brien – Helping Women with Help(her)

Spark Interview: Teresa O’brien – Helping Women with Help(her)

https://youtu.be/zzLDX5LTPGU Spark Interview: Teresa O'brien - Helping Women with Help(her) www.MyHelpHer.com The Origin of Help(her) How Help(her) Has Been Affected by Corona Adaptability - 0:28 Intro to Teresa O'brien - 0:36 Founding of Help(her) - 1:03 Pausing...

State of the Spark ep.002: Marketing in Crisis & Case Study

State of the Spark ep.002: Marketing in Crisis & Case Study

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwNSwUtjGlY State of the Spark ep.002: Marketing in Crisis & Case Study MARKETING IN CRISIS PRINCIPLES Cut Strategically, No Smash (like Hulk) Invest now for the Second Wave/Order effects and Beyond Read the room MY MARKETING...